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Mo ignore the details of air travel health
News source:    Reads:3028    AddTime:2011/3/23 11:22:48    Collects this page

    Airplane travel, comfort, time saving, convenient and more by the majority of visitors of all ages. However, some people will take the aircraft to be dizziness, headache, nausea, upset, and back pain and other symptoms of distress, some people fly due to health reasons is not appropriate.

    Reduce the discomfort when chewing movements

p; According to experts, air travel, some people have ear discomfort, nausea occurred ear swelling, hearing loss, earache and tinnitus situation.

    When the plane rose to a certain height, because of the external air pressure is low, the air pressure inside the middle ear is greater than atmospheric pressure, so that convex tympanic membrane, ear fullness discomfort there, resulting in hearing loss. When the plane falls, the dark interior of the pressure below atmospheric pressure, tympanic membrane retraction, would cause tinnitus and pain.

    If you fly often eat candy, and continue chewing, swallowing, so that the opening of eustachian tube opening in the nasopharynx, the air free access to the attic, attic and outside air pressure will be able to effectively maintain balance and promote recovery and maintain a normal tympanic membrane, thereby relieve tinnitus symptoms.

    Anti-motion sickness motion sickness medicine to eat

    Some air travelers will occur in the initial anxiety. How to eliminate anxiety? First to take the initiative to relax. Relaxation method is: a comfortable chair leaning on the hand on the arm, eyes Weibi, eliminate distractions, slow breathing, relax the muscles. Second, to reduce the degree of self-interest, the method is to try to divert attention, such as talking with passengers, reading, reading newspapers, listening to music, watching videos, observing other people and things around. Thus, once the lower level of self-interest, will ease the psychological tension.

    Some travelers may be dizziness, nausea, sickness situation. In fact, motion sickness and motion sickness, motion sickness symptoms are similar to the passenger if the motion sickness, motion sickness, it should be ready to do something before boarding, you can advance to the waiter when boarding pass that, as far as possible the location of choice in central cockpit, because that part of the relative position of bumps small. Before boarding the plane to take anti-sickness drugs can selectively eat, usually can prevent motion sickness.

    Some patients should not take advantage of

    Experts point out that the following diseases are generally not suitable for air travel: First, patients with cardiovascular disease: such as people with severe heart failure, myocarditis, within 1 month after healing, myocardial infarction occurred 6 weeks, and the recent angina frequent episodes of pain patients. Second, the respiratory diseases: such as severe asthma, open tuberculosis, emphysema, less than 3 weeks after thoracic surgery patients. Third, patients with gastrointestinal diseases: such as associated with peptic ulcer bleeding, esophageal varices, acute gastroenteritis, abdominal surgery were less than two weeks. Fourth, facial diseases: such as otitis media accompanied by severe eustachian tube obstruction, severe sinusitis associated with nasal ventilation disorders, ophthalmic or ENT surgery were less than two weeks. Fifth, blood system diseases: such as patients with severe anemia. VI, neurological and psychiatric patients: such as people with manic psychosis, epilepsy and frequent seizures, cerebral vascular accident within two weeks of disease, intracranial surgery were less than 3 weeks. Seven obstetric patients: If suffering from eclampsia, those who have abortion sign. H. Other: patients with infectious diseases are still under quarantine period.

    Pregnant women need to be cautious and other special visitors took the opportunity to

    Pregnant women, infants and other special visitors took the opportunity to be cautious. Among them, the pregnant women: pregnant women within 36 weeks of pregnancy can fly, but take advantage of the process, pregnant women should pay attention to the legs to do regular exercise to promote blood circulation, but fasten your seat belt (around the lower abdomen), to prevent the

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